
Dia Mundial em Memória das Vítimas da Estrada

Domingo, dia 16 de Novembro, celebra-se o Dia Mundial em Memória das Vítimas da Estrada.

Estrada Viva - Liga contra o Trauma- AQUI

(...) For those of you who choose to be involved in some way in marking the World Day of Remembrance, we commend you for your strength and courage and we are grateful for your dedication to drawing attention to the issue in your communities and countries.

Your very legitimate call to action does much to stimulate the political will of governments and all of us to recognize that more needs to be done.

Whether you find yourselves today in Brazil or Lebanon, the Philippines or Mozambique, Switzerland or elsewhere, the World Health Organization and the members of the UN Road Safety Collaboration value your contributions to preventing deaths and disability and promoting safety.

We wish you a successful World Day of Remembrance

Statement by WHO Director of the Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability

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