
Acabadinho de chegar de Estocolmo....

Stockholms Stadion, 1912

This year, Stockholm is celebrating The Centenary of the Olympic Games in Stockholm 1912. The 14th of July, in connection with the Stockholm Jubilee Marathon there will be a ceremony uncapping a memorial sign of the marathon runner Francisco Làzaro from Portugal who took part in the race 1912. Tragically Francisco Lázaro collapsed in the extreme heath during the race and then died at a hospital in Stockholm. A ceremony was held for Lázaro at the Olympic Stadium with 20 000 participants and money was raised for his widow.

The Portuguese government has declared it´s will to remember 1912,the first Olympic Games Portugal took part in, and has also expressed a wish to honor Francisco Lázaros.

We now would like to invite you, runners in the Jubilee Marathon, to a short ceremony at Stockholms stadion (The Marathon Gate, towards Valahallavägen) the 14th of July at 12:00. The program consists of short speeches, music and the uncapping of a Lázaro memorial sign.

Please let us know if you can participate by sending an e-mail to: maria.knutsson@extern.stockholm.se, by the 11:th of July.

Sincerely Yours

Kjell Olofsson
Project Manager
Arena Stockholm 1912-2012

2 comentários:

  1. Meu, isso foi há 100 anos e quase ninguem sabe que esse homem existiu. Preocupa-te mas é com a atualidade.

  2. OS meus parabéns por relembrar esse facto. É que esquecer a solidariedade demonstrada para com a família desse compatriota só demonstra que as pessoas ainda têm muito que crescer.
