
Lisboa, um destino seguro?

Chegado por e-mail: «Boa Tarde,

Existem problema estruturais que tem que ser resolvidos, que irão impedir o crescimento turístico de Lisboa no longo prazo e deixam uma péssima imagem da cidade, nomeadamente:

1 - Assaltos nos eletricos

2 - Venda de droga GENERALIZADA supostamente falsa na Baixa


"Don't think we'll go back to Lisbon"

Aug 23, 2012, 1:04 AM Spent 3 full days in Lisbon. Stayed in the Baixa, a block from the restaurant area.

While we found most of Lisbon interesting, what we didn't like was the crime and selling of drugs we encountered. We were also ripped off by the yellow tour bus company (?). In broad day light, walking in the Baixa area near H&M, several young men tried to sell us drugs, or at least that's what they said they had. Both my partner and I are in our late 30's, we were surrounded and these guys just wouldn't take no for an answer, finally we pushed our way through these men. Found the local police and they basically just shrugged their shoulders. Walking the main street near the square in Baixa another day, early evening, another man either tried to grab the strap of my purse or pinch my breast. I was wearing a cross body bag, and when I saw he was reaching for me, I put my arm up to block him, he ended up grabbing my forearm instead. My husband yelled out at him, but the guy just kept walking casually. We had just left theRossio train station about 10 minutes prior to that, having witnessed a fight between young men on the train ride back from Sintra. Sintra is a beautiful town, but having to endure the train ride back in the evening was beyond crazy. The train stops in some pretty rough areas, and the young people getting on the train just basically took over the train, yelling, fighting, cussing. Not to make this a racial topic, but in our cabin of the train, there were only 4 white people and the rest were black. We were singled out, and harassed. Getting off the train wasn't a good idea, as there didn't seem to be a safe stop before we got back to Lisbon. If we would have known this, we would have never gone to Sintra by train, even though it was inexpensive and easy to get to.

We were also ripped off by the yellow tour bus company (?). Bought the tickets were you could ride any line of the yellow tour bus within 24 hours. The first day we were on the blue tour line. What a waste! The recording wasn't on par with where the bus was, my husband's recorder didn't work and there wasn't another seat open for him to be able to listen to what was being said. The second day we waited over 45 minutes to take another tour, only to be told that we didn't pay for anything other then the blue tour line, even though we had our receipts to prove otherwise. Tried to go to the Yellow tour bus company to complain, but the office was always closed. If your arriving in Lisbon plane, take a taxi. Don't bother with taking the bus into town. The taxi costs approx. the same amount and is much quicker. Wish we could be more upbeat and positive about Lisbon, but honestly couldn't wait to leave. I've traveled all over Europe and Asia, in cities much larger than Lisbon and have never encountered any issues such as what we dealt with in Lisbon.




Miguel Oliveira»

7 comentários:

  1. Quantos posts já li eu aqui acerca dos carteiristas e vendedores de droga na Baixa?
    O que foi feito entretanto? Nada.
    Os carteiristas multiplicam-se, a droga lá vai mudando de mão cada vez a um ritmo maior,o nível de violência vai aumentando, a Polícia não quer saber, a CML não dá sinal de vida...

  2. Esta é a imagem mais frequente da cidade. Nem é preciso ir ao TripAdvirsor, pois blogues pessoais de turistas estão cheios destes comentários acerca dos traficantes de droga da Baixa, carteiristas, etc. Juntando-se à decadência do espaço público do centro histórico, quem visita a cidade sai com a impressão de uma cidade assustadora.
    Trabalho em turismo e recebo comentários diáriamente que são de partir o coração para quem ama o que Lisboa poderia ser...

  3. A mensagem da Lisboa decadente está a ser passada. Recebi este contacto na minha empresa de serviços turísticos:

    Goodmorning, I'd love to visit Lisboa again but my only worry so far is that someone told me the capital has become a dangerous town since 2000 when I came.
    So I dont know what sorts of parts of Lisboa or places should a woman avoid visiting alone and what about streets robberies to foreigners during the day.
    Accordeon people in the streets approaching tourists..are they so dangerous?

  4. E a quantidade de turistas que diariamente se dirigem ao posto dos Restauradores por lhes terem surripiado as carteiras e outros valores?

    Só muito raramente se ouve falar disso, os nossos media ficam radiantes quando mostram uns a elogiar the food and the wine.

  5. Que vergonha. O Costa em vez de se preocupar com o Intendente, devia resolver este problema. Porra, ponham mais policias, CCTV, aumentem as penas etc. Isto parece um pais africano. Não temos controlo nenhum sobre isto

  6. Sou estrangeiro e vivo em Lisboa desde 1 1/2 ano.
    Até agora não tenho medo em Lisboa... Mas eu estou preocupado porque a polícia não faz nada. Muitas vezes "merda" (estacionamento selvagem, venda de drogas, etc) acontece ao lado de um agente da polícia. Mas a polícia não se importa. Eles ignoram ou falam no telemóvel ou falam uns com os outros ou fumam um cigarro.

  7. @Anónimo que vive em Lisboa há cerca de 1 ano - Lisboa é uma cidade segura. Vivo cá desde que nasci e nunca tive nenhum problema nesse aspecto. Aliás: Lisboa foi considerada a capital mais segura da Europa de acordo com a UNICRI (pode fazer uma pesquisa Online e comprovar). Mas, de acordo com alguns comentário que li, posso deduzir que a Baixa de Lisboa tem um problema que tem que ser combatido o mais rapidamente possível para não se transformar em uma situação mais complicada.
