
Salve Salgados AVAAZ !

O protesto contra a destruição da Lagoa dos Salgados e a autorização de um novo mega-empreendimento na zona, promovido pelo Movimento Partido da Terra – Algarve e pelos promotores da petição na plataforma Avaaz, juntou ontem cerca de meia centenas de pessoas, na sua maioria de nacionalidade estrangeira.

O protesto teve lugar junto à Lagoa dos Salgados, uma zona húmida importante para as aves e por isso mesmo um dos sítios mais populares entre os observadores de aves no Algarve, situada na foz de uma ribeira que divide os concelhos de Silves e de Albufeira, na Praia Grande.
Nota: As fotos são da autoria de Gabriel Clemente

Protest at Salgados, politicians see for themselves
in  http://algarvedailynews.com/news/
  Created on Monday, 06 August 2012 21:48 John Rosas Baker, Partido da Terra president, and his team from Lisbon spent most of this afternoon chatting to the crowd of protestors, gathering first-hand information on the proposed Finalgarve ‘Praia Grande’ development adjoining the unique Salgados wetlands.

Baker's team was joined by its local party representative, Paulo Dias and concerned residents who were spared the time to show vehement disapproval of the plans to build a tourist development and golf course on this treasured natural area on the Algarve's coastline.

Cars going to and from the Praia Grande car-park slowed to a halt and drivers asked what the banners and the crowd were doing. They were given an explanation and information with the petition website address so as to add their names later.

“I can’t believe this beautiful area will be turned into another bloody resort” commented David Douglas from Kettering, enjoying a holiday with his family, “this is a beautiful natural area and we have been coming here for years, it’s the real Algarve as far as we are concerned, is it really to be ruined?”

National TV and local press were busy interviewing Baker and other members of Partido da Terra that expressed incredulity at the development proposals and are now determined to have the right questions asked in parliament when it re-convenes in September.

Baker’s next steps are “to look at what we have found out today, look carefully at the companies involved, look closely at the original planning process and consult our lawyers to see the best way forward."
The protestors’ concerns were clear and unanimous. Frank McClintock, who started the ‘Save Salgados’ petition that now has 11,650 signatories, talked with everyone and acted as the focal point for the support that this movement has stirred up.

The politicians also were interviewed by the Salgados lagoon edge with a clear view of the bankrupt CS Group’s ‘Herdade de Salgados’ resort across the water. When it was explained that this view of dereliction was just one part of the crashed CS Group’s empire it became clear that another resort in this area is financial idiocy.

An expat protestor commented “I felt it was about time us lot got off our arses and did something about this pointless development, or it will be too late.”

The protest today helps in publicising objections to the Finalgarve development, helps to encourage key political support from genuinely concerned and serious Lisbon figures, and shows there is no doubt that the protest has gained huge strength and will not just fade away with time, which has been the hope of Silves Câmara, Finalgarve and its holding company, the disgraced Galilei.

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