
«The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe / La Voix du patrimoine culturel en Europe»


SIGN we are more letter NOW

On the occasion of the extraordinary EU Summit which will take place on 22-23 November regarding the next EU budget (2014-2020), our colleagues at "we are more – act for culture in Europe" have prepared a template letter addressed to EU Heads of State and Governments urging them to ensure due support for culture, including heritage, in the next EU budget. We appeal to you to sign this letter and also to disseminate this call for action throughout your own network.

Back in 2011, Europa Nostra - followed by members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 -, endorsed this Europe-wide advocacy campaign that calls for an increased support by the EU to culture, heritage and the arts in the next EU budget. We have also invited you to sign the "we are more" manifesto. Many of you responded positively to our call and we wish to thank you for your support. So far, the “we are more!” manifesto has been signed by 27.221 supporters from all over Europe.

We are now urging you to support today this newest online campaign launched via the website www.wearemore.eu. Please read and sign the statement online. Your message will be transmitted to the Head(s) of State or Government of your own country and also copied to the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education, the European Parliament Budget Committee, the Secretary General of the European Commission, Mrs Catherine Day, and last but not laest, to the President of the Council of the EU, Mr Herman van Rompuy.

Act now, sign the online letter and make your voice heard. Please also forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues. Together, we can make a difference!


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