
Leitura obrigatória para autarcas portugueses...

3 comentários:

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/jun/27/after-car-dennis-urry

  2. why only portuguese mayors? why not (put any other OCDE country here) mayors?

    but based on the authors own review (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/402039017) the book does not seem worth reading.

    individual transportation will not disappear. maybe we won't call it a car (the same way we do not call an ipad a personal computer) but it will do the same: take an individual from A to B when she wants. this new iCar will take over our cities like the cars of the past did. and guess what? people that do not like the car will not like the iCar either...

  3. Because the post authors in this blog have a strange tendency to think that every evil in the world derives from choices from the current mayors of Lisbon.
