
«Eiffel Tower suffers shutdown over pickpockets»

The Eiffel Tower shut down for six hours because of a staff walkout in protest against a surge in pickpocketing gangs.
Workers say the gangs are increasingly threatening them with assault or abuse.
The company managing the major tourist attraction "thanked the public for its understanding" and said it "regrets that visitors... are being punished". About seven million people go up the tower every year. The tower reopened on Friday afternoon.

'Fight among themselves'

Staff are demanding "formal guarantees" from management to stop pickpocketing gangs who target numerous tourists every day. The staff's union representative, Denis Vavassori, told the AP news agency that the staff had walked out "so we could ask for a permanent police presence here".
Os guarda-freios do eléctrico 28 em Lisboa também podiam adoptar esta forma de protesto...

1 comentário:

  1. Os da 28E não são privados, são públicos e por isso asseguram apenas o serviço público.
